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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Good and bad food choices

Foods we eat (Mind set change)

If you look at the some of the foods people think of as bad. Why do people associate eating certain foods as being bad and need to be eaten in secret? Who decided that these foods were bad in the first place?

Most of these foods have been labeled bad by the diet industry. Each one will tell you a different story normally to promote their diet plan. No food is that bad on its own and if eaten in moderation, but when you become addicted to food and have to consume many of that one food a day, then you will have a problem.

If you were to believe all the information in the various diets then you wouldn’t eat anything, because most foods have been banned by at least one diet.

You know that when you tell a child not to do something or not to eat something they will automatically want to be disobedient? It doesn’t take a child very long to learn the word, “NO”. They are rebellious by nature and adults are no different. Put up a sign, “Do not touch” and people will sneak up and think of ways to touch the object without being caught.

A child might not even have been aware of some of the foods until you pointed them out to them. Once you told them something is bad for them, they will learn all different tricks and ways to get that food.

The same is true for each one of us. Decide to stop eating something and you see it everywhere you look. Suddenly you are craving it even if you didn’t in the past. The same is true about anything that you want or desire.

You really want a new car and not only a new car but a certain type of car in a certain color. Now suddenly it seems everybody is driving it. Every time you are on the road you see it at least once. Has everybody gone out and bought your car? No it is likely that there were the same number on the road before but your subconscious mind tells you, “Look there’s your car.”

It is the same when you can’t have something. All around people are eating what you are craving.

A good diet says all foods are allowed. The only condition is you limit the amount you eat. Have a small (mini) bar of chocolate each day if it is needed to wean you from eating a large bar every day. Get it down to one a week, and then decide do I really want one this often? If the answer is yes, then eat it but be prepared to stop eating something else. You will see cake, pizza, chocolate, pies all on a perfect diet but you will also see all the fruit and vegetables you can imagine, plus lots of good healthy water.

Now instead of cutting out certain foods, educate yourself in ways in which you can still have them but make them less often or more healthy.

Cut down on fat and see the weight drop off. But again it takes time and cutting down on fat if you increase other foods which are high in sugar wont balance out.

Get ready to be educated about way to cut down and enjoy eating. This is a mindset change. This can be implemented every day of your life for the rest of your life.

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