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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Getting past the emotions of exercising

How do we get around the emotions of not feeling good, so you don't feel like exercising and the reason you don't feel good is because you are not exercising?
In our modern day lives we have become so 'busy' we do not believe we have the time necessary to exercise, so we use this as a convenient excuse. Yet our time spent exercising has become so important in our sedentary and inactive lifestyles that it is up to each one of us to find the time to go workout.

You may wonder where you will get the discipline to stick with your exercise program. But when you weigh up the many health benefits you will receive back from just 2 to 3 sessions each week you will see it far outweighs the time and effort you have spent.
Exercise strengthens your muscles, bones and joints: Being strong and fit improves your ability to do everyday activities. The stronger your muscles become, the easier it is to get groceries out of the car, pick up the kids and push the lawnmower.
As adults we lose between five and seven pounds of muscle tissue every decade, from the mid 20's your strength training program will help prevent this muscle loss, and rebuild what you may have lost. When you strengthen your muscles you also strengthen the bones that the muscles are attached to increasing bone density helping to ward off osteoporosis.
Having stronger muscles protects your joints and your back. More muscle power means you put less strain on joints and connective tissue when lifting or exerting yourself. This is particularly important both for treating and preventing arthritis.
Exercise increases your energy levels: Your exercise program that contains mostly strength training exercise increases your stamina and endurance as well as increasing your energy levels. Your program will also stimulate the brain as well as the body making you feel good as well as sharpening your memory, increasing alertness and focus.
Exercise will burn off unwanted body fat - Your body will become more efficient at burning calories with an increase in your metabolism (your body's engine.) With increased fat burning machinery you will burn more calories at first, and more throughout the day which will help you to lose weight and then control it. Your toned muscle tissue burns as much as 15 times more calories per day than fat tissue, stoking your metabolic engine like nothing else.
Exercise improves your outlook on life - When you begin to exercise regularly you will feel strong and disciplined. You are doing something good for yourself and will feel a sense of accomplishment. These good feelings increase your self confidence and spread to other areas of your life strengthening them as well.

With the confidence and discipline you acquire through achieving better health with your exercise program, everything else in your life becomes easier.
Exercise improves your overall health - Along with losing some excess weight and feeling more energized your exercise program will help de-stress you and help you sleep better. An important benefit to you is the fact that when you strengthen your body you also strengthen your immune system giving you greater protection from disease.
We all need to exercise not only our body but also our discipline to benefit our own life. Exercise and discipline go together, hand in hand to help make you into the person you would like to be. Just think, with a little discipline, exercising can change both your future and your world.

To check out exercises and tips, .

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