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Friday, March 8, 2013

Chocolate benifits increase circulation

My taste buds for chocolate have fluctuated up and down over the years. lately  I have found that there are many health benefits to certain kinds of chocolate , especially the dark chocolate. It seems that the dark chocolate has more of the cocoa flavanols, which can aid in the blood circulation.

What are cocoa flavanols?
 Flavonoids represent a diverse class of naturally occurring compounds that can be found in a variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods. Flavanols are a distinct group of compounds within the flavonoid family and the predominant flavonoid in cocoa. Cocoa flavanols are a unique blend of phytonutrients that can only be found in the cocoa bean.  Scientists have uncovered that cocoa flavanols can positively influence the body’s vascular system. In fact, numerous studies have demonstrated that cocoa flavanols can help keep blood vessels healthy and support healthy circulation.†

How can cocoa flavanols help support my health?
You probably don’t think about it, but your circulatory system is the pathway for delivering vital oxygen and nutrients to your organs and tissues from head to toe. Heart, brain, muscle, skin, eye health, even exercise performance depend on a healthy circulatory system for support. As you age, your blood vessels may become less flexible and able to expand when needed. So maintaining a healthy circulation helps to keep your body performing at its best.  Cocoa flavanols are scientifically proven to help support healthy circulation by helping your arteries keep their flexibility at any age.
As I have entered my 70s It's important to keep my circulation flowing through my arteries at a regular pace. Along with munching on a dark chocolate bar I have found a supplemental product to take each day for that extra dose of flavanols.  Discover the circulation benefits of CocoaVia®

With daily intake, the cocoa flavanols in CocoaVia® work with your body to help maintain the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your organs and tissues, which helps you look, perform and feel your best everyday.
Discover the circulation benefits of CocoaVia®

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