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Friday, March 8, 2013

Chocolate benifits increase circulation

My taste buds for chocolate have fluctuated up and down over the years. lately  I have found that there are many health benefits to certain kinds of chocolate , especially the dark chocolate. It seems that the dark chocolate has more of the cocoa flavanols, which can aid in the blood circulation.

What are cocoa flavanols?
 Flavonoids represent a diverse class of naturally occurring compounds that can be found in a variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods. Flavanols are a distinct group of compounds within the flavonoid family and the predominant flavonoid in cocoa. Cocoa flavanols are a unique blend of phytonutrients that can only be found in the cocoa bean.  Scientists have uncovered that cocoa flavanols can positively influence the body’s vascular system. In fact, numerous studies have demonstrated that cocoa flavanols can help keep blood vessels healthy and support healthy circulation.†

How can cocoa flavanols help support my health?
You probably don’t think about it, but your circulatory system is the pathway for delivering vital oxygen and nutrients to your organs and tissues from head to toe. Heart, brain, muscle, skin, eye health, even exercise performance depend on a healthy circulatory system for support. As you age, your blood vessels may become less flexible and able to expand when needed. So maintaining a healthy circulation helps to keep your body performing at its best.  Cocoa flavanols are scientifically proven to help support healthy circulation by helping your arteries keep their flexibility at any age.
As I have entered my 70s It's important to keep my circulation flowing through my arteries at a regular pace. Along with munching on a dark chocolate bar I have found a supplemental product to take each day for that extra dose of flavanols.  Discover the circulation benefits of CocoaVia®

With daily intake, the cocoa flavanols in CocoaVia® work with your body to help maintain the flow of oxygen and nutrients to your organs and tissues, which helps you look, perform and feel your best everyday.
Discover the circulation benefits of CocoaVia®

Monday, November 12, 2012

How Do You Lose Belly Fat A Healthy Approach To Six Pack Abs

How do you lose belly fat? That seems to be the million dollar question. Many people say the key is to “obey.” But, I’m going to give you a more thorough answer to the question how do you lose belly fat in this article. A firm, flat stomach is the ultimate symbol of sex appeal. But researchers have also found that losing abdominal fat is one of the most important things you can take to stay healthy for life.

While you probably realize that excess fat is unhealthy, you should also know that where the fat is distributed is key to health. People who are fattest in the abdomen (the so called “apple shaped body”) have a greater risk of heart disease and diabetes than those with pear shapes (fattest in the hips, buttocks, and thighs).
You won’t be surprised to learn that the best way to lose abdominal fat is to eat right and exercise regularly. And there's a growing body of evidence showing that the quickest way to burn off the fat from your belly is with a mix of weight-training and aerobic exercise.

One study tracked 30 obese women for six months. The women were assigned to a control group, an aerobic exercise group, or a combined exercise group. The aerobic exercise group did a full hour of cardio exercise for six days a week. The combined exercise group did weight training on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and aerobic exercise on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

At the end of the six-month period, the women in the aerobic group had lost 23.1 cm of abdominal subcutaneous fat while the combined group lost 61.8 cm, nearly three times as much. The combined group also did better on the abdominal visceral fat measure with 93 cm lose compared to 82 for the aerobic only group. There was no change in the control group.

How do you lose belly fat starts with developing a combined exercise plan that is strenuous? 30 minutes a few times a week won’t cut it. You need a full body training program combining cardiovascular and resistance exercises. You don’t need to do hundreds of crunches, sit-ups or any of the complicated routines being touted by the “six pack abs” hype machine. The key to losing belly fat is to burn more calories than you eat. These fancy exercises don’t burn the kind of calories you need in order to be really successful.

Getting killer abs has a lot less to do with training and everything to do with lowering your total body fat. The next step is to eat the right foods. There is a lot of conflicting information on nutrition. From the Adkins “eat no carbs” people to those who eschew all fats, there are radicals on every side.

How do you lose belly fat starts with taking in enough protein to maintain muscle mass. At least 20 to 30 percent of your diet should come from fats. Then, you balance your carbs around the other two factors depending on whether you want to lose weight or not. And if you are trying to lose belly fat, you do want to lose weight. You must take in fewer calories than you burn.

How do you lose belly fat? Basically, if you lose the excess fat in your system, your belly will go away too.

Some exercises and more tips can be found at .

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